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Think Safe Insurance Brokers in Koh Samui, Thailand
My spouse and I have insurance coverage through work but it does not extend to our children. Can I apply for a plan for just my children?Yes, but we will name you, the parent, as the policyholder.
Am I allowed to make changes to my plan?Yes, you can make changes to your plan at renewal. Just let us know in writing as soon as you receive your renewal offer. Changes to your coverage will likely result in a change in premium and any upgrades in coverage will be subject to underwriting.
Can family members have different plans under the same policy?Certainly!
What is a pre-existing condition?A pre-existing condition is an illness or a health condition that is known at the time you submit your application. It can be related to a hospitalisation that occurred in the past or an illness that is congenital (i.e. what you are born with). Furthermore, it can be linked to a major condition that you have suffered in the past or currently suffering. This includes conditions such as asthma, high blood pressure, heart diseases, mental illness. It’s not covered.
Can I choose my own medical provider/doctor?Yes, you have the freedom to choose your own provider if you have a nil co-insurance outpatient plan. We offer an extensive Outpatient Direct Billing Network for your convenience. By using the network, you will enjoy cashless service at numerous high quality providers across Asia. If you have an outpatient plan with a co-insurance, the co-insurance will be waived if you use our Hong Kong panel network. If you choose a doctor outside of the panel network, the co-insurance will apply.
If I move or return to my home country, can I take my plan with me?Provided there are no regulatory restrictions in the country that you move to, we will continue to offer renewals. The premiums however may change depending on the country you move to.
When can coverage begin?Coverage can begin as soon as you accept our underwriting offer.
Will I be penalised if I make a big claim?Never! Our plans are community rated which means no matter how large your claims may be during any policy year, you will always have the opportunity to renew your policy at prevailing rates. You will not be rated individually.
Who can apply for insurance?Anyone residing in a country acceptable to us at the time of application and not older than 65 years for fully underwritten and CPME policies.
What is the difference between IPD and OPD ?Hospital Inpatient care (IPD) requires that you have a medical problem that is serious enough for a doctor to admit you into the hospital for an overnight stay. (Some insurance companies allow you to be released after 6 hours; others require you to stay longer. In any case, the insurance company pays for a full overnight stay.) Hospital Outpatient care (OPD) is optional with most insurance policies. OPD allows you to walk into the hospital and visit with a doctor for any medical reason, no matter how minor. Because of this ease of use, OPD tends to be more costly for benefit it provides. For this reason, and because of the low cost of doctor visits in Thailand, most insureds choose not to take this option.
Is there a maximum renewable age?No
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